Wednesday, May 25, 2005

ooo ooo disco inferno!

Using the American flag as a torch

Hate is a fickle thing
We're so wrapped up in it
That it's covering our view
It seems these days
That hate is what defines a culture
Cultures have become opinions
Heritage is a thing of the past
But in the bad way
The forgotten way
Now it's all about the American Way

When did we become a people of such arrogrance?
Was it when we invented the weapon of mass destruction?
Was it when the U.S. bloomed and flourished thanks to slavery?
Or was it when McDonald's became an international fat-maker?

A single sensible person
Drowning in the Sea of the Blind & Deaf
Just off the coast of Materialism Island
Consumers to their own waste
Find a new trend to follow

Love is a fickle thing
So fucking wrapped up in it
The inhibiter of a longing to be human

Posted by Lando Commando @ 11:35 AM