Sunday, March 05, 2006

i think my life is passing me by

Life's Sense of Humor

Everything is eventual. Yet as funny as it may seem fate can not control us. Choices are made and choices are dealt. That is how the world turns.
Everything is eventual through choices brought around. I find it all so funny that I hate all those who love me. Through my own faults and through their words I see what I've made of myself. A failure, a joke, a sunbeam, a ghost. Not much for the world to see. Can't play the cards that were dealt to me because that would be cheating.
I find it outrageously funny to be damned as I am and damned as I'm not. To be life's cruel joke. Through moments brought around I am there to be found as an icon of failure and poor grade.
Everything is comprised of moments. Profound moments arise from smaller moments that lead up to them.
You can't always pick your moments... but everything is eventual.

Life has a way of showing itself.

Posted by Lando Commando @ 11:04 PM