Friday, December 01, 2006
our thoughts compress which makes us blessed and makes for stormy weather
i haven't figured it out
maybe i never will
oh well
that's not the point
the point is to be remembered
i guess
i might be wrong
but then, no one ever really gets it right
ive been writing randomness
opening up to strangers
haha i fantasize about the grimaces they make after reading it
how freaked out they are
and if they're not, they're either confused or amused
or maybe they relate
i donno
im going on and i don't make sense
maybe i never will
oh well
that's not the point
the point is to be remembered
i guess
i might be wrong
but then, no one ever really gets it right
ive been writing randomness
opening up to strangers
haha i fantasize about the grimaces they make after reading it
how freaked out they are
and if they're not, they're either confused or amused
or maybe they relate
i donno
im going on and i don't make sense
no one really believes me when i tell them i don't believe in happiness, but it's true. i don't. i've never really been given a reason to believe that it is real. i believe in the pursuit of happiness. not in the actual state. i think the pursuit of it is a good thing though. it keeps people going. gives them a reason to get up in the morning and do what they do. it keeps the world turning. now you might be wondering what keeps me going since i don't have that motivation. well, the truth is that i want to make something. i know that no matter what i do, nothing will make me truly happy. but maybe i can achieve satisfaction and success. maybe i can do this by creating something that will last far longer than i. that will affect people personally. haha is this what ambition is? i don't know. another truth is that this comes and goes.
it all sounds selfish, i know. but essentially we're all selfish. it's human nature. people only do things to, in the end, find some sort of false sense of happiness. but it's really just another sense wearing a big sign that says "happiness" on it. it's a fake. it's usually just satisfaction, contentment, amusement, euphoria, hysteria, etc.
haha i really don't doubt that i'm not making sense to you. i think it's safe to assume that you're probably thinking i'm crazy, maybe even feeling sorry for me. please don't.
haha you might be right about the crazy part.
it's okay. i get by.
i'm alright knowing that happiness isn't real.
it all sounds selfish, i know. but essentially we're all selfish. it's human nature. people only do things to, in the end, find some sort of false sense of happiness. but it's really just another sense wearing a big sign that says "happiness" on it. it's a fake. it's usually just satisfaction, contentment, amusement, euphoria, hysteria, etc.
haha i really don't doubt that i'm not making sense to you. i think it's safe to assume that you're probably thinking i'm crazy, maybe even feeling sorry for me. please don't.
haha you might be right about the crazy part.
it's okay. i get by.
i'm alright knowing that happiness isn't real.
i mean, i've made it this far
people also think i'm crazy to believe that i won't live to 30 years old. i honestly figure i got about another 9 years in me. i'm not trying to be melodramatic. not at all, actually. that's just what i figure. if i can stay alive past that, or can stand being alive, then i'll move on and probably allow myself to be swept into the whirlpool of life that is standard for someone in my position, whatever it may be.
i donno.
i don't think i phrased that correctly. i've never been all that articulate, you see. oh well.
i donno.
i don't think i phrased that correctly. i've never been all that articulate, you see. oh well.
right now i'm content in hiding
maybe i've been opening to strangers because i don't want more friends
haha that might not make sense to you
but it does to me
if i open up to the friends i already have, that may make the bond tighter
i don't want to make it tighter
i hope it all just fizzles down to nothing
yeah, it's over-rated
maybe i've been opening to strangers because i don't want more friends
haha that might not make sense to you
but it does to me
if i open up to the friends i already have, that may make the bond tighter
i don't want to make it tighter
i hope it all just fizzles down to nothing
yeah, it's over-rated
but so is life
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