Thursday, May 14, 2009

the narrator

nobody likes abstract artsy films. not even me. they're terrible. it's usually some poor attention whore trying to be deep and assert himself in some sort of intellectual light to impress the
little piss-ants and sluts that he wishes were his peers. call me contemptuous, call me cynical, but it's a pretty pretentious endeavor, if you ask me. but then again, it gives me something to talk about. now all i need is a good reason to be heard, but it's lookin' slim.
maybe i'm just looking for excuses. i decided a couple years back that my true goal in life is to continuously search for a better excuse for being the way i am.
and so far it hasn't failed me.
but if i ever run out of excuses, and my money is on the chance that i will, at least i can look forward to bitterly growing old in my hometown and spending my saturday night chain-smoking outside the bingo hall.
it's good to have goals, they said. grey skies are gonna clear up. put on a happy face.
they told me i'd be over it by now. they told me a lot of things.
but, well, to quote matthew good, "i used to think i'd get over everything, but everything just got over me."
ain't it the truth.
but for now all i've got are my excuses. someday,if i'm lucky, maybe i could sit on a thrown made from my excuses.

if i was king of everything we know, i would make it so we wouldn't have to know more. if i was ruler over all this land, i would burn it, furiously dance around it in naked madness, i would sweep it clean, and build low-cost housing units to store your children and all the pretty things they make for me at school. if i was your master, id keep you scared. id keep you safe, that is, until i come in the night and filter out the weak.

if i was your man, you would be beautiful.

all i need is a reason.

I hope you had a wonderful stay.
I truly enjoyed our conversation.

Let's do this again some time.

"wait, hasn't he used those lines before?"

Posted by Lando Commando @ 7:12 PM